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Sending Tools to the Top End

Last week the Frankston Bombers Football Netball Club joined with Murray Turner of Lindsell Hoists & AGT Pallets in donating a large quantity of power-tools to the small Aboriginal community of Numbulwar.

Murray has been working with the Numbulwar community for a number of years now & when he approached Colin of AGT Pallets about donating a few crates for transport, word got around & it was decided the club would fill one of these crates with much needed power-tools for the community.

A little background.

Numbulwar has 1000 residents with over 60 percent under 20 and is located 800 km SE of Darwin and 150km north of the Roper River.

There are only 50 houses . Hence 20 per house. Its blocked off for 5 months of the year due to road closure by monsoonal rain. Costs $1000 return to fly in / out. It cost $5 to buy a lettuce!

"We run a program that encourages kids to stay at school and over the past 7 years have had over 50 kids come down and stay at our home and go to mainstream school Dromana College and Red Hill Consolidated.

We are not government funded and don't ask for it. Its purely about community helping community with no strings attached. We ask the community what it needs and just help if we can.

So this trip we are hoping to do the following

-Set up workshop in school grounds -Program to assist kids getting "off the floor" into Hammocks for sleeping -Teach healthy eating skills -Sending over 500kg of linen , towels sheets for Second Hand --Shop run by Numbulwar students.

So these tools are an amazing start to help these young people be self sustaining and provide up-skilling for a better community.

On behalf of The Long Journey Partnership a huge thank you"

-Murray Turner

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